O‘RS Label

O‘RS is a fancier label, since 2011.

Ranko - Unchained Ep Ranko
“Unchained” is Rankos first work on O*RS – and for good reason. With his EP, the Leipziger Producer is overriding genre shackles. Independently carefree his tracks move to the coordinates Hip Hop / Future Garage / chillwave and move with the warm instrumentals also their handset to vibrate. Each of the seven pieces, including two remixes of OverDubClub colleagues Duktus and Cuki, tells its own personal story. Somewhere between the future and the past, they are written, but the chains of “Now” blow them up – “Unchained” flat.
Format: tape / digital
Cat. Number: O*RS TA 001 / O*RS DIG 002
Release: 25.04.2014
